100% U.S. based customer service
Help us personalize your options and deliver them to only you:
By submitting my information, MobileHelp and its accredited members are authorized to communicate with me regarding options, including by pre-recorded messages and texts. I agree to MobileHelp Terms of Use & Privacy Policy, including the use of an electronic record to document my agreement.
Our most complete and versatile emergency alert medical system available today. Notifies emergency assistance at home and on the go.
An easy to use lightweight mobile medical alert system that summons emergency help backed with GPS location technology, with a push of a button.
Traditional in-home mobile emergency medical alert system. Covers you at home, even if you don't have a landline phone.
We value your privacy. Your information is safe with us.
Read our Privacy Policy. Read our Terms Of Use Policy.
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2 Months Free with Annual Subscription & 30 Day Risk Free Trial
The Complete Package
On The Go
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MobileHelp Duo
MobileHelp Solo
MobileHelp Classic
1 FREE Month + 50% Off Fall Detection + FREE Ground Shipping
"I feel very confident that my device keeps me safe. I especially like it when I shower. My family are glad that I have it. I gives them peace of mind."
Darlene P.
"I have been a member for about 2 weeks and I have found that Mobile Help is very prompt on returning a call or checking to see if you are O.k. I tripped my alarm and did know that I had so I did not call them and shortly they were at the door, and in one case entered the house. I am very satisfied with MobileHelp."
Norman A.
"Everything arrived quickly and has worked well. The necklace is light and easy to wear. The microphone is small and easy to keep in its leather case in my purse. I'm sure, if I ever need it, you'll be there to take care of me."
Sandra G.
With medical alert systems starting at $24.95, MobileHelp provides peace-of-mind with 100% US-based Emergency Monitoring. MobileHelp offers the highest quality of affordable mobile medical alert systems, empowering members to live an active life, at home or away, in all 50 states. The first company to offer a mobile medical alert system, MobileHelp proudly holds an A+ rating with the BBB. MobileHelp medical alert systems utilize cellular network connectivity and GPS technology, providing protection to members everywhere they go where cellular networks are available. The MobileHelp Fall Button ™ can automatically detect a fall and signal for help, even if the member is unable to press the button. Signature programs such as Connect Premium provide lifetime savings, a price guarantee, and protection against lost equipment.
No Equipment Fees! - Save Up to $150 in Fees by Choosing MobileHelp Over the Competition!